Summer Camp
Piccoli Bambini Summer Camp turns your child’s ordinary summer vacation into a summer of exploration. Our program led by our regular year-round, and highly trained and certified, teaching staff , inspires imagination through exciting activities. We also offer inhouse field trips and special visitors, while balancing the individual needs and interests of each child in our care. Piccoli Bambini Summer Camp awakens a world of fun, learning and friendships for your child.
5-year-olds and Kindergarteners: Piccoli Bambini Summer Camp also offers a program for older campers taking a project approach, which empowers children to direct their learning based on their interests through authentic experiments and activities. Teachers prompt children to use their imaginations, create their own solutions, and investigate themes as they facilitate and guide the learning process. The children arrange a culminating event or project that not only displays their work
but celebrates their achievements.
Throughout the summer, the children may plant a garden, perform a play, organize a museum, or plan a sports or water day. The possibilities are endless when the children become involved in making decisions about their learning!
Piccoli Bambini Summer Program includes:
- Programming from 8:00am to 6:00pm
- Early Care from 7:00am to 8:00am and After Care from 6:00pm to 7:pm for a daily fee of $10.00 per session.
- Weekly inhouse field trips
- Special weekly thematic activities
- Well-equipped classrooms to support creativity, learning and exploration
In Piccoli Bambini Summer Camp , children do so much more than play - our campers create, explore, construct, design, investigate and invent. We invite you and your child to discover a summer full of adventure!